Intermittent Fasting 4-Week Meal Plan PLUS 30 Recipe Pack
Sale Price:$10.00 Original Price:$39.99
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Are you…

Spending too much time trying to figure out what to eat and wondering how busy moms have managed to get fit and maintain it for years?

Scrolling through Pinterest trying to find healthy recipes?

Sick of trying every new diet fad that was hard to stick to, —and gaining all the weight back (being healthy is supposed to make your life easier not harder, right)?

Realizing that your fit mom life is turning into a mess of mood boards, pinned recipes, and frantic searches for the next exciting dinner idea?

Save Yourself the Headache and Go Enjoy Your Day!

WELCOME TO YOUR ONE-STOP-SHOP (and the last one you’ll ever need) NUTRITION MEMBERSHIP!

(Looking for FULL all-inclusive Coaching Programs? Here’s your link)

All products come as a PDF download for easy and instant access.

(Take a deep breath, aren’t you glad you found this page!)

What if you could get back the hours spent creating grocery lists, AND finally reach your health goals while spending more time with your family?

Shhhh…these are the biggest secrets every successful fit mom wishes they knew when they started out…

Secret #1

Meal and Recipe Creation = Unnecessary Work

Let’s face it, no mom has time to come up with new healthy meal ideas that’ll taste amazing and help them reach their goals. Instead, borrow tried and true meal plans and new educational health guides each month.

Secret #2

YOU don’t have to sort through the ingredients

No more putting together a grocery list, and calculating the calories when you could be spending precious time (ev-er-y week) doing more of what you love.

Secret #3

There’s a way to enjoy the fit mom life

You can have more energy, feel good in your body, be proud of the healthy changes you’ll be modeling for you kiddos, and be excited to finally see results, —that are sustainable. AKA: every nutritional resource you’ll ever need is ready-to-go.

For years, I was drowning in overwhelm each week, trying to figure out how to be a healthy, fit woman, while juggling a business, and being a present mom.

There were countless nights I was up til 3am creating my entire fitness plan, workout routine, and schedules for each day, because as a health coach for working moms, I wanted to be at my fitness peak at all times.

This supposedly “simple” fit-busy-mom-life I was trying to convince other moms existed, was eating away at every bit of my time and energy.

Which is why I decided to stop banging my head against the wall and create monthly resources moms could easily access and use to reach their health goals so they could spend more time with their families )and less time trying to figure out how to ONCE AND FOR ALL find a fitness program that works for them —not the other way around).

As a 13year Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrionist, and certified behavioral change specialist, its my mission to make your life as a mom. much easier. My simple and delicious meal plans, (along with my workout plans, Fit Mom Academy, and many other tools I’ve created) have helped thousands of moms reach their health goals without wasting precious family time or having to figure any of it out.

Let me invite you to the…

Fit Mom Wellness Vault

  • Your membership instantly grants you a huge discount on all of our

  • NEW MONTHLY recipe packs with full macro breakdowns: $900 Value (yes I literally pay my chef more than this to create recipes for this pack) which are otherwise available at full price on our products page. This exclusive benefit makes your membership truly valuable and cost-effective.

  • Monthly meal plan with deatailed grocery list and weekly average macro breakdown : $360 Value

  • 2-4 ready to download BONUS healthy mom resources to improve your compliance and success: $250 Value

A Monthly Healthy Nutrition and Wellness Membership that delivers everything you need to keep your nutrition, and healthy mom-life simple, sustainable, and exciting.

Here’s the details on what you’ll get every month… on the dot

Pack of 30 Recipes

Never spend your precious time digging for new recipes again.

The recipes pack has your back with 30 new recipes (with pics to make your mouth water and of course include detailed instructions), so you can rest easy knowing you have something tasty on the menu.

You’re Getting:

  • 30 brand new recipes so you never have to run out of fresh meal ideas

  • Full macro and calorie breakdowns so you can effortlessly reach your goals.

Fresh 4-Week Meal Plan

Each month, get four weekly meal plans that coincide with the recipes in your monthly recipe pack so the painful details, the mind-numbing organizing, cross-checking, and re-checking, vanishes from your to-do list.

Grocery lists and meal prep guides make shopping a breeze so you know exactly what your week (and entire month) looks like

Oh, and yes, this food tastes AMAZING

You’re Getting:

  • Four weekly meal plans to match the recipe pack for a streamlined plan that does all the heavy lifting for you

  • Detailed grocery lists to keep you on track and ward off overwhelm… and keep you from quitting

  • Includes a weekly meal prep guide so YOU, BUSY MOMMA, can prepare for your entire week ahead.

PLUS… (as if that wasn’t enough)

And because I know you didnt forget…

You’ll also receive 2-4 BONUS resources to help you stick to it and to make sure you’re successful in reaching your goals


Here are examples of BONUS resources

Monthly Fitness & Health Resources.

Enjoy a fresh batch of fitness and health resources every month. New meal plans, recipe collections, guides, and self-care tips to keep your wellness journey dynamic and exciting.

Busy Mom Wellness Vault

Looking for our all-inclusive coaching program that includes:

✓12-week transformational coaching

✓everything in the Fit Mom Wellness Vault

✓Full Lifted Culture Fit Mom Academy weekly mindset video lessons

✓LCF app access where you’ll have a full workout library

✓1:1 Coaching check-ins

✓accountability and tracking within the app

You’re looking for FIT MOM ACADEMY!

With instant access, unbeatable discounts, and regular content updates, your membership is designed to empower you on your path to health and happiness.

Busy Mom Wellness Vault
Every month
Every year

30 Recipe Pack: each month is based on a different theme. Macro breakdowns for each meal included. Four-Week Meal Plan: reach your goal with a new monthly meal plan that coincides with the recipe pack. FOUR New Fitness&Nutrition Resources: maximizes your progress, improves your outcomes, and saves you time. These resources are created based on members' top requests.

"As moms, we lead with love, and our path to wellness is a testament to the extraordinary strength and care we invest in ourselves and our families."

— Sarah Richardson

“A woman’s health is her capital.”

Harriet Beecher Stowe

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

- Helen Keller